Bluez Daemon is not running

My Machine: Dell Vostro 5470 using Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon.

As usual, problems came when I start to fresh install the Linux Mint. I upgrade from LM 19.3 to LM 21.1 and directly got the problem. After doing some Terminal ninja’s then the Bluetooth ran well until I upgrade the kernel to the latest (please don’t ask why I do that). The same problem with the Bluetooth is coming back and I cannot find the answer for around a week. So here is some solution that you can try.

Btw, the problem with my machine is the Bluetooth is not active after I check using “sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service”. If you have the same problem as me then you can try step #3.

Another thing, the list is not mean they are continuing steps. You can choose which one you want to use.

  1. Check if there is the system blocks my Bluetooth using “rfkill list -all”. If it is blocked then unblock using “rfkill unblock Bluetooth”. Read more at
  2. Some people said they can solve the problem using this step: (reference:
    • Shutdown
    • Unplug all power cables
    • Long-press the power button (still unplugged) for 10 seconds.
    • Plug in and power up.
  3. This part work for me: (
    • Check Bluetooth status using “sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service”
    • Enable Bluetooth using “sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service”
    • Final step “sudo modprobe btusb”

I hope it can help.

Please do not ask me anything related to this because I have no idea what happens and why it was like that 😀

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